Link To Furniture Porn!

Furniture Porn is happy you're interested in linking to our great site. To make it easier for you we've provided the following graphics and HTML code for you. Just cut and paste the code into your own page, save and voila! You're now linking to the Hottest site in town! Furniture Porn thanks you!

You can use our animated banner on your site - it's 27K in size:

Furniture Porn Banner

Cut 'n' paste this code into your page to link to our site using the banner above:

<A HREF="" target="new">
<IMG SRC="" alt="Click Here to Visit Furniture Porn!" WIDTH="468" HEIGHT="60">

Or, you can use this much smaller button- it's only 2K in size.

Furniture Porn Button

Cut 'n' paste this code into your page to link to our site using the button above:

<A HREF="" target="new">
<IMG SRC="" alt="Visit Furniture Porn!" WIDTH="88" HEIGHT="31">

Using the code above will link to the graphics from our site. If you want them to load in quicker, down load the graphics to your server and change the IMG SRC= path to the folder you saved the graphic in.

To down load the graphics above, right-click on them if you're using Windows. You should see an option to save the graphic. If you're using a Mac, click and hold down the mouse button until you see an options menu pop up.
Back Button

© copyright 1999 The Van Gogh-Goghs